Thursday, October 14, 2010

Breast Implants: For Pefectly Shaped Breasts

The need for breast implants can not be attributed to a single reason. Breast implants may be sought for improving the balance between hip to chest difference, improving self image, self esteem and thus confidence, restoring breast volume after significant weight loss or pregnancy, etc. whatever may be the reasons; you should do the proper research to find out all you can about this procedure. Only after a good research, you will be able to ask relevant questions to the surgeon about the breast implants.

There are mainly two types of breast implants namely saline implants and silicone implants. Both the implants have their own pros and cons. You should consult your surgeon regarding which would be best for you and your body.

For beautifying the look of your breast, you also have the option of breast lift and breast reduction. If you are satisfied with the size of your breasts but notice loss of skin elasticity, and dissatisfied with the shape and firmness of your breast then you should go for breast lift. Breast lift raises the breasts and makes them firm to give you a more youthful breast contour and boost your confidence. But if you are unhappy with the huge size of your breast, you should go for breast reduction. Although breast reduction can be performed at any age, it is recommended waiting until breast development has stopped.

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